TILL YOU ARE 16 is a thriller series based on the story of a young mixed-raced Nigeria girl living in Canada who is caught between the web of keeping true love and the taboos of tradition. She tries to authenticate her identity while raising a child alone and building a successful career.
The story mirrors the plight of women and the struggles they go through in the pursuit of happiness.
TILL YOU ARE 16 has 2 main characters with few other supporting characters whose interlocking relationship with the main characters make the story an intriguing drama to watch.
Eki is a successful career woman based in Lagos, Nigeria, she enjoys the peaceful life of a single lady who is in charge of her circumstance but unfortunately, she has to carry the burden of the plight of Emem, her childhood friend who is the mixed-race young girl based in Canada.
Through and through, Eki narrates how Emem’s life tumbles between coping with her wayward mother and manage a love life with an Igbo prince who impregnated her but refuse to marry a girl whose father is nowhere to be found.
TILL YOU ARE 16 showcases the richness of the African tradition and culture, in addition, it takes us through life from the point of view of a woman who will not give up despite all odds.